Milibliar – Prime Minister?

Okay, I’m a little bored with the New Labour infighting.

Bullimic Prescott, money-mad Cherie Bliar, and the smug crook Lord Levy are the most hideous characters and I imagine that their books are even worse. I’m sure it’s a total coincidence that their books are full of descriptions of how Gordon Broon is a sulky bastard and a total fuckwit.

But I am more interested in who might replace Brown in the event of a parliamentary coup by New Labour’s very own Noddy and Big Ears.

Could it be Milibliar? After last week’s Newsnight appearance when he talked about not thinking about the “next job”, I began to wonder if he was lying like a Blair and that really he was thinking about being Prime Minister…

And today, he comes out with this:

Military action on humanitarian grounds is an option to get more aid to Burma’s cyclone survivors, Britain’s foreign secretary has told the BBC.

David Miliband said the “responsibility to protect” UN doctrine, drawn up to apply in cases like genocide, could apply to natural disasters.

“All instruments of the UN should be available,” he told the BBC.

Oh, right… In other words “All instruments of the US should be available.” And they are: the US navy just happens to be in the region…

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